Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Check out the latest bridal gown 
from Lissom Yarn at,
and subscribe to follow the new blog, if you wanna keep up with goings on!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New blogs

... lots of new reading for you ... come and frollic in the woods... over at the other site

Photo by Leo Farrell

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One last chance!

Hi lovely Followers..

So here is the last chance to connect with the new site... please go to the Lissom Yarn blog, and sign up to the email subscription to stay in the loop with Lissom Yarn. No spam, just beautiful dresses and fashion projects dropped in your inbox semi-regularly. It's a win-win situation!

And year is looking pretty interesting, despite not having a shop-front...
I will be continuing to work privately for my beautiful clients; there are still so many wedding dresses and weddings to share with you on the blog, and there are plans for a bigger and better Lissom Yarn in 2014 - very exciting! 

So please stay posted, at

(This blog will shortly be de-activated)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Newly blogged

Please find the latest blog posts at the new site

Theres Tamsin's fairytale dress for all you chronic romantics, and Bec's gorgeous beach wedding gown, for which we up-cycled some family heirlooms. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lissom Yarn has a new home

At last, my friends, we have an official website for Lissom Yarn!

Please go to

for all my new blog posts, portfolio, list of services, CV
and all you could want to know about Lissom Yarn. 
There is also the Facebook page, which will connect you with the goings on as well.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gosh, it's hard to keep up...

Hi Lissom friends,

In happy news for 2013, 
I am now available for all commission work, despite not being in possession of a shop-front. 

Please feel free to enquire about your special event or dress-making needs anytime,  ( 
and watch this space for the link to the spanking new, sparkling bright website for LissomYarn. Wooot!